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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Few moments with Steve N.B.

Artistic soul is something that is assumed to be rare, but when it comes to Steve N.B. this is certainly not the case. Steve is a 19 year-old student of architecture as well as a professional pianist. 

     All you need to do is to listen to him play the piano for a short period of time before you recognize that he undeniably has earned the term professional with all its corresponding accessories. He has begun learning the piano from an early age; as the years went by, he became more and more enthralled by the mother of all musical instruments, and  nowadays he and the piano are literally inseparable.

     I asked Steve to join me for an interview regarding social networking and Facebook, which he so gently accepted. I have to mention at first, that Steve himself uses the internet and social networking websites for about six hours a day grossing the notorious title geek in the process, thus surely he could be dubbed an internet enthusiast with sufficient knowledge and experience in the medium.

     It’s Steve’s firm assertion that it’s indispensable to embrace the new internet movement “in order to be competitive “ simply because the modern wolrd has undergone substantial changes as a result of the internet.  “I believe the internet has revolutionized our lives in many ways, it has changed the concept of communication and entertainment “said he and later continued: “in the mean time search engines provide us ways to search any information worldwide and [the means of] getting up-to-date”.

     Steve maintains that much the same as any other entity, the internet has its own share of advantages as well as disadvantages; for instance, albeit we all can benefit from swifter, finer, and more convenient access to information and communication, we cannot deny the threats of identity theft, spamming, and cyber stalking.

    Nevertheless, the merits of the internet by far surpass its drawbacks and hence it proves essential for implementing the day-to-day tasks. Social networking is a pivotal facet of Steve’s life, and he attributes it to not only a place to catch up with friends, but also an ambit to be submerged in while witnessing a diverse and multi-cultural environment and learning “a thing or two about new cultures or languages”. 

     Like many of us, Steve believes Facebook to be the throne keeper of all social networking websites with insurmountable potentials along with a “super positive atmosphere”.  When I asked him what he thinks of the validity and rigor of friendships on Facebook as opposed to real-life friendships he cited:

     “ Facebook is a means of social networking where you find the opportunity of finding your oldest friends from all over the world.” However, he said: “we should try to make our relationships stronger and better using the power of Facebook”. 

     In due course, I myself truly took pleasure in interviewing Steve for many reasons, from his passionate tone of speech to his rational behavior.   

You can listen to the entire interview at Talk Show Podcast Episode Ten.